Nick Anderson

Is a classically trained realist artist and illustrator, originally working in digital art. Over time his desire and passion moved towards working in physical mediums, such as oil painting & charcoal. Attracted to the idea of a creative piece being unique and tangible, he sought to further his training. Combined with his love for Canada, he travelled, studied, and is now a Graduate of The Academy of Realist Art in Toronto. His passion is not simply for the creation of painting but the understanding of the importance of good practice in painting. This naturally involves a zeal for knowledge regarding the Old Masters, who have left us not simply beautiful paintings, but clear examples of good practice.

Suad Al Attar

Is one of the most distinguished artists from the Middle East.She was the first Iraqi woman to have a solo exhibition in Baghdad in 1964 and although she is now based in London her work owes much to Middle Eastern traditions. She presents a most impressive portfolio including art for which she has been awarded first prize at the International Biennale in Cairo and the Miro Award of the Museum of Modern Art in Madrid. 

Liz Balkwill

Is a professionally trained artist with over 15 years experience in portrait painting. She studied at Bristol and the Norwich School of Art where she graduated with an honours degree in 1980. She has continued her professional development by working closely with or training under other well known portrait painters, notably Gareth Hawker in the UK, and Daniel Greene, Nelson Shanks, Michael Grimaldi and Margaret Carter Baumgartner who are leading portrait painters in the USA. She is a member of the Norfolk & Norwich Art Circle, and exhibits at the Mall Galleries in London.

Emily Bird

Born in 1975 Emily has always been in love with literature, she studied  English at university then progressed to a career in teaching. Emily is a self taught artist and delights in the alchemy of pigment and water. The initial washes she finds joyous and spontaneous then the chaos is transformed into magical landscapes inviting the viewer to step into a realm that is both familiar and yet to be discovered. Her deep love of the Norfolk coast and countryside together with years spent in imagined lands and enchanted places that literature allows have all proven to be a rich source of inspiration for her work.

Edna Bizon

Educated at Honor Oak School, London, then St Martins and Camberwell School of Art. She exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1974 and has been a member of the Society of Women Artists since 1987. Paints in oils showing her delight for farm animals alongside her sought after still life paintings. Member of the Guild of Norwich Painters.

Ken Bizon

Trained at Norwich School of Art, the Brixton School of Building and after service with the Royal Engineers at Camberwell School of Art. He is a member of the Guild of Norwich Painters and has exhibited at the Royal Academy and Royal Society of British Artists. His oil paintings show his ability to convey light and perspective with his church interiors and landscapes. He also shares his wife Edna's love of painting farm animals.

John Bond

Was born in Cromer, Norfolk. He studied at Norwich School of Art and The Central School of Art, London. His first one-man show was in Guildford in 1975 and numerous exhibitions have followed. His atmospheric studies of shores and pasture, fen and marsh are captured using a rich palette of oils.

William Calladine (1941-2014)

Studied at Derby College of Art in Technical Graphics. Joined Rolls Royce Limited and later the Royal Aeronautical Establishment at Farnborough. In 1974 he resigned his position, electing to paint for his living. He is a founder member of the Guild of Norwich Painters. His technique is strongly influenced by the classical Dutch School and he continues to produce many varied works of high quality ranging from Broadland landscapes and marine paintings to his outstanding still life compositions. 

Naomi Clements-Wright

Graduated in fine art from Newcastle University before completing a History of Art Diploma at Oxford University. She works mostly in oils at her Norfolk studio and has exhibited in the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, Summer Show and NEAC among other London shows and galleries, and in East Anglia. Her great loves are portraiture, interiors (after the Dutch and Danish schools), still life and the wild rural landscapes of her home county. She is a member of the Chelsea Arts Club.


Anthony Ellis

Is one of the emerging young classical artists working within traditional studio practises. He trained at Seevic-College in Essex where he worked under the tutelage of Steven Dowson. After graduating he was accepted to study at Angel Academy of Art in Florence. He currently divides his time between working in Italy and England. His work can be found in private collections throughout Europe and he continues to complete both portrait and still life work.

David Eustace RBA

Completed a degree course in Fine Art at Exeter College of Art. He observes the everyday world around him but presents it with an individual style and viewpoint. Subjects are sometimes dislocated from their surroundings or hover lending an air of mystery. There is a three-dimensional dream-like quality to his contemporary art.

David Eustace was awarded membership of the Royal Society of British Artists in 2003.

Martin Gibbons

Born in 1964 Martin spent his first 10 years living in London before moving to a rural area. This change of location ignited his love of birds. Martin has been sketching birds ‘in the field‘  for more than 20 years and tries to sketch the specific bird he is watching, observing the way the bird moves and how it interacts with the light. He has exhibited with the “Society of Wildlife Artists” and has been a finalist in “The Wildlife Artist of the Year” Martin has moved to Norfolk and enjoys the fabulous bird life this county has to offer.

Suzanne Grant

Is originally from the United States and holds a BFA Degree in both Fine and Graphic Arts. After fifteen years as a graphic designer for The Boston Globe, she decided to pursue her painting on a full time basis. She specialises in detailed, contemporary watercolours of flowers. Her paintings often combine her love of pattern and light with an emphasis on botanical subjects.


Carole Griffin RBA

Carole Griffin is an award winning artist and elected member of the "Royal Society of British Artists". She specialises in Still Life paintings using Oils or Watercolour. Recently having re-located to North Norfolk, Carole has also been painting the surrounding Countryside en plein air. The aim is to portray the everyday beauty of the manifest world with a touch of the quiet existence behind. She exhibits annually at the Mall Galleries, London with the RBA as well as at other UK Galleries, including the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. Commissions have come from the House of Lords and Foreign Royalty.


Robert Heindel (1938-2005)

An American artist who became synonymous with the world of ballet in a way that has earned him widespread recognition and admiration in both the dance and the art world alike. His studies of dancers in rehearsal are the result of numerous personal invitations from many of the world's most famous ballet companies with whom he subsequently worked. His paintings and sketches feature in many private and prestigious collections worldwide.

Ian Houston

Born at Gravesend in 1934, he studied at the Royal College of Music. In 1964 he moved to Norfolk with his wife and family, where, under the guidance of Edward Seago, he became committed to a career as a painter. He is a member of the Guild of Norwich Painters. Ian's travels are depicted in his work, which show powerful skies, landscapes and coastal scenes.

David Ord Kerr Dip. R.A.S.

David has always been interested in natural history, particularly in birds and small mammals. He was commissioned to paint over one hundred watercolour studies to illustrate a book on American birds and he worked as expedition artist as part of the Wallace Expedition to the Amazon. He was chosen as one of one hundred Artists from around the world commissioned to produce works to be sold to raise money for the World Wide Fund. David is a member of the Guild of Norwich Painters. 

Willi Kissmer

An ephemeral piece of silk clinging to a lithe female form is the unmistakable hallmark of Willi Kissmer. Typically only a portion of the head is visible, creating anonymity and timelessness. His attention to detail is remarkable with a style and form uniquely his own. Forever imaginative, often deeply mysterious and exuding a constant blend of the exotic and the erotic. Born in Germany in 1951. Studied etching, lithography, printmaking and Fine Art. Exhibitions include USA, Great Britain, USSR, Germany and the Netherlands.

Raymond Leech

Born in Great Yarmouth in 1949. Studied Art and Design at Great Yarmouth College of Art 1965-70. It is people who command the eye of artist Raymond Leech. Strong images borne of accomplished technique and thoughtful compassion quickly grab the attention, but the deeper quality of work springs from Raymond's ability to breathe life, attitude and personality into figures. Raymond seizes the opportunity to explore characters on view. “A successful painting is not just a picture, but captures the air around the subject and the atmosphere as well,” he says.  Member of the Guild of Norwich Painters, RSMA, East Anglian Group of Marine Artists and has exhibited with ROI. 

Jane Lewis

A curious air of mystery is apparent within the crafted work of Jane Lewis and when substitutes will not suffice she often constructs her own intricate props. Born in 1953 she studied at Hornsey College of Fine Art and The Slade School of Art. Has worked as scenic artist for the BBC and has lectured at several art schools. Exhibited widely both in group and solo exhibitions including Royal Museum, Canterbury, Trinity Arts Centre, Tunbridge Wells and the Mall Galleries, London.

Olga Makrushenko

A Russian artist, born in Moscow in the second half of the 20th century. Educated first at the Moscow Institute of Engineering and Physics, specialising in mathematics, and then in the State Pedagogical Institute, Department of Drawing and Painting. Working in botanical illustration, Olga paints much from life - early spring crocuses and hyacinths to autumn's chrysanthemums and fruit. This makes the plants on her graphic sheets look alive and enables onlookers to observe each leaf and each stamen with the painter's eye. 

Bennett Oates (1928-2009)

Oil Painter of powerful images of classic flower studies and impressionistic landscapes. Born in London in 1928. He studied at Wimbledon School of Art 1934-6 with Gerald Cooper, then at the Royal College of Art 1948-51 with Ruskin Spear and Carel Weight.

First President of The Guild of Norwich Painters which was formed in 1998.

Sadly, Bennett Oates passed away on 17th March 2009.

Bruno Palmeri

Born in Torino, Italy where he studied art and photography.

Bruno came to this country in 1966 and I worked as a freelance artist for approximately 35 years, producing art work and murals for several design companies and large corporations. i.e., Grand Metropolitan Estates, mainly in London and other cities in Great Britain.

He is now retired and has shown his work in several galleries around Cambridgeshire and Norfolk.


Anthony J Parké

Is a British artist, born in London, England, 1964. He uses a combination of classical and hyper realistic techniques, where creative expression means an exploration between technical matters and searching for new creative visions and landscapes.


Nicholas Simington

Born in Antwerp of Irish parents. Mature student at Glasgow School of Art where he studied under David Donaldson RSA. Paints figures and still life subjects in oil and gouache. It is impossible to view the paintings of Nicholas Simington without being totally captivated by the mood and mystery of all the compositions. Immediately recognisable Nicholas' palette is based around the browns he so loves. Lately there has been progression and more emphasis on brighter colour and light which has enhanced the ambience of his work. Through his calm drawing and range of colours, subtle harmonies result along with true serenity, which is quite exceptional in contemporary painting.

Christine Slade

Detailed pastels of marine subjects display her superior knowledge of boats and an obvious passion for the waterways and coastline of East Anglia. Born in Hertfordshire in 1943 and trained in the Creative Department of a London advertising agency. Having visited and been captivated by East Anglia since the 1960's Christine and her family moved to Colchester in 1982. She gave up her job as an estate agent in 1988 to become a full time artist. Member of the Guild of Norwich Painters.

Gerard Stamp

As a schoolboy Gerard would cycle into the countryside to sketch churches and landscapes, with Pevsner's Buildings of England and the Shell Guide to Norfolk in his saddle bag. He could often be found in the Castle Art Gallery, studying Cotman watercolours. This childhood obsession never left him, even through a successful career in advertising. Stamp's powerful watercolours and charcoal drawings are firmly rooted in his deep passion for architecture. He has exhibited at Mall Galleries, RWS and New Grafton Summer Exhibition. His first solo show in 2005 was a sell-out and he was awarded the Archant Purchase Prize that year at the inaugural Norwich Open Art Exhibition.

Adrian Taunton

Although best known for his East Anglian landscapes showing dramatic skies and open horizons he frequently draws on his experiences from other parts of the world. Born in Norwich in 1939, the eldest son of the well-known painter John Taunton. He was educated at Norwich School and Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, where he read history. Following his degree he worked in industry until, in 1985 he began painting, following a family tradition going back several generations to William Taunton (1809-1898). The Royal Society of Marine Artists and the Royal  Institute of Painters in Watercolour have accepted his work.

Jonathan Trim

Lives and works from his studio near the Thames Estuary. He studied Art at Southend School of Art, Huddersfield Polytechnic Leeds University.

The Low lying landscapes of Essex,Suffolk and Norfolk have been lifelong sources of inspiration often beginning work out in the location. His work is always about the flickering light and atmosphere of these places resulting in the use of a wide variety of techniques and materials. The ever changing light and rhythms of the seasons have resulted in a personal language of colour and mark making producing paintings of power and atmosphere.



Jerry Waide

Was born in Leeds in 1948 and after school began a career in engineering. A self-taught artist he began painting as a hobby in 1970 concentrating on landscape and bird studies in watercolour. He soon moved into oils, painting landscapes, marine subjects and gradually moving into very detailed landscapes, often featuring local wildlife. By 1985 the wildlife had come to the fore and he continues to enjoy a fine reputation in this genre. He has held numerous one-man shows and has had work accepted for exhibitions at Royal Society of Marine Artists, Royal Institute of Oil Painters, Royal Society of British Artists and Society of Wildlife Artists. 

Peter Wileman

is the former President and a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters, a Member of the Royal Society of Marine Artists , the East Anglian Group of Marine Artists and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He has worked in the field of art and design for over forty years.

Peter’s style is bold and vigorous, both in the use of colour and handling of paint, as he explores the effect of light on his subject. Seeking atmosphere through light and colour, he works in varying degrees of abstraction.

Peter has won many awards for his paintings including: The Frank Herring Award in 2000; The Cornelissen & Son Award in 2003 ; The Clerc Fowle gold medal in 2006; The DAS Prize in 2007, The Charles Pears Award and The Stanley Grimm Prize in 2010 ,The Dartington Crystal Chalice in 2012 and The Stanley Grimm Prize in 2021. Peters paintings can be found in private collections worldwide and have been shown on television.